Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Journal Entry # 1

16 March 2020

Are you journaling about your experiences, thoughts and worries about COVID-19 or Coronavirus? I have decided to use my blog as my COVID-19 journal for the most part. These will be short posts and I am also keeping a small journal that I will pass down to my grandsons. Here's what I plan to do by journaling on my blog.
  • Write about recent COVID-19 updates
  • Write about my thoughts and experiences
  • Try to keep politics out of it if possible
  • Share my day whether it is genealogy related or not
I will start with updates first however keep in mind that I am only listing local COVID-19 updates and information I have found that I think is helpful or interesting. It is my goal to keep this upbeat not depressing!

Today, I found this link on Facebook stating that Australia MAY have a cure but further testing is needed. See Coronavirus treatment: Australian researchers ‘within reach’ of cure. I am also following The Washington Post Coronavirus Updates which is FREE! I am also checking The CDC website  and Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. The Johns Hopkins site right now is my favorite. Johns Hopkins has a pdf on Coronaviruses Fact Sheet that I found very informative.  

The local news here in Myrtle Beach has reported that there are now 3 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Horry County. All of them are currently isolated at home.

What I am doing today:

My day started with phone calls to my Medicare Advantage plan and Social Security for change of address since moving in February. Two more things checked off my list! 

I decided last week to start a journal for my grandsons telling them the story of my adoption. I am also telling them what I know of my biological family as well information about our family. My plan is for them to read it once they are old enough to understand. Below is the beginning of my journal entry for today, explaining that E may or may not remember this and that K would learn about it in school.

I am also working on DNA matches and specific lines in my birth family hoping to break down a brick wall in my birth family for my paternal great grandmother, Eugenia (Judy) Bessinger. It is her great grandfather that is my brick wall. Wish me luck!

Stay healthy and safe my friends!

©2020, Dawn M. Kogutkiewicz, genealogical researcher and writer of Dawning Genealogy. All rights reserved.

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