Saturday, November 7, 2015

Surname Saturday # 7 ~ My Paternal Aunt and her Williams & Hoback Surnames

Please not that the names listed above are listed with the wife's maiden name first followed by the husband's surname.

The surname of Williams is my paternal line and the names above are for my paternal Aunt Sally and her husband Bill Hoback. My uncle Bill's grandparents, Charles Louis Hoebeck and Sophia Decuyher were married in France in 1878. They came to the United States from France in 1881 arriving in New York.

If you are searching any of these fine Kentucky families please let me know and let's see how we might be RELATED!!


  1. I have lots of Hamrick in the family - mostly WV but never know when they may have crossed over to KY and many eloped in KY.

    1. One of my cousins married a Hamrick. If you are looking for more information I would suggest contacting Steven Hamrick on Facebook because it his line of Hamrick's. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a note!

  2. Hello,
    My Great-Great Grandparents are Charles Louis and Sophia Hoebeck (Hoback?). My grandfather is Lawrence Willett. His mother is Josephine Hoback, Charles & Sophia's daughter.

    If you have any additional info on Charles Louis and/or Sophia or some resources I could check into, I'd appreciate it :)
